Our Vestry

The vestry is the governing board of the church and is made up of elected members from the church. They are the legal representative of the church and make financial and property decisions for the church. They serve three-year terms which end at the annual meeting in January. The year is parentheses by the name is the year in which their term ends.

The vestry meets on the second Tuesday of the month at 7 PM. If you have a matter they need to attend to, please let a vestry member know so that it can be added to the agenda.

Sr. Warden | Ed Ziegler

Jr. Warden | Wes Woods

Amanda Ballenger (2027)

Ed Ziegler (2027)

Wes Woods (2027)

Linda Barry (2028)

Becky Palmer (2028)

Alice El-Hamaki (2028)

From top left to bottom right:

Wes, Ed, Walter, Richard

Amanda, Linda, Alice

Gwendolyn, Becky

Gwendolyn Wright (2026)

Richard Coull (2026)

Walter Foyt (2026)

Clerk | Holly Baker

Treasurer | Don Esposito